Simplified Integration via Webservice API available now!

Simplified Integration is not a new API technology but a simplified quick start.

  • It is a reduction of our very powerful WebService API to a BASIC set of calls and fields.
  • It aims at new integrations of Speed4Trade CONNECT into your external system e.g. an ERP or PIM.
  • Nothing will change for existing integrations.
  • The documentation for the simplified BASIC integration can be found in the chapter WebService Calls | BASIC Integration
  • The previous documentation is now called WebService Calls | Options for Growth


Why a Simplified Integration?

  • Focus: The BASIC set focuses on mandatory calls and fields. More comprehensibility by increased clarity. We reduced 89 to 6 BASIC processes.
  • TimeSaving: The simplification has an impact to all subsequent processes and allows a quick start.
  • Faster: Interfaces can be developed much faster and the seller can go online after a few weeks.
  • Reduced Investment: Partner investment and therefor the financial risk is dramatically reduced now.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The Simplified Integration focus on the channel independency. This way you achieve a maintenance free interface.
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